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BeaCon2012Schedule (redirected from BeaConSchedule)

Page history last edited by Zach Lanier 12 years, 5 months ago

11:00 AM - BeaCon opens; intro

11:30 AM Ben Jackson - Incident Detection: MacGyver Style

12:30 PM - Chris Lytle - Pre-digital crypto done digitally

01:30 PMJohn Cran - EAR: Automating OSINT

02:30 PM - ohdae - Linux Post-Exploitation & Exfiltration Techniques

                - Schuyler Towne - Rab Sikkate: The Lock Masters of Mesopotamia

                - Will Vandevanter - S3 Dorking

03:30 PMCorey Benninger - Using Java Reflection to Unhide Android Goods

                - Josh Huston - Capture Now, Ask Questions Later

                - Dan Rosenberg - [INSERT SOME TITLE ABOUT A FUNNY KERNEL EXPLOIT]

04:30 PM - Ryan O'Boyle - The State of Ruby on Rails Security

05:30 PM - Outro; BeaCon ends


Join us immediately following BeaCon for a cocktail hour, sponsored by Constant Contact.


Corey Benninger - Using Java Reflection to Unhide Android Goods

A number of Android API features have been "hidden" from developers from time to time. Often these are for new unstable features which Google would rather not have you use, but sometimes it's just to lock you out. This talk shows how Java reflection can be used to allow access to a hidden Android framework which communicates to a device's embedded secure element. This use of reflection can also be used to access additional 3rd party frameworks even when standard API packages are not available. 


Corey works at Intrepidus Group where he herps the derp with mobile devices, applications, and payment systems. He managed not to get into any bar fights at the last BeaCon when he spoke about near field communications (NFC).


John Cran - EAR: Automating OSINT

EAR: Automating OSINT - Quick evaluation of the current state of OSINT reconnaissance tools and an evaluation of the problem (it's uglier than you'd think). Demo of new tools & techniques to help pentesters. This is a rewrite and a significantly more usable than the version demo'd at BeaCon 2011.


John can count to potato.



Josh Huston - Capture Now, Ask Questions Later

The speed and storage space available with commodity computers has grown to the point that it is feasible to capture every packet on Internet uplinks.  You could buy some commercial products to capture and analyze this traffic, but are there other options? In this session we'll look at ways to build a packet capture monster with open source tools and commodity hardware.  Then we will look at how capturing *everything* can be used to create a "Network Time Machine" where analysts can reconstruct network sessions and previous attacks.  We will also run through a live analysis demo and hunt-down some unwanted visitors.


Josh is Information Security Advisor and Founder at Exultium, an information security services firm that specializes in visibility and data protection solutions.



Ben Jackson - Incident Detection: MacGyver Style

Despite the budget cuts and layoffs during this economic downturn, the mongol hordes are still beating on the castle's electronic gate. Security Teams are being asked to do more with less and it's time to rise up and meet the challenge head on. This presentation will discuss ways to leverage existing infrastructure in order to better detect security incidents, simple ways to detect network anomalies, and show what can be done with some logs, spare time, duct tape, a multitool, and some chewing gum.


Ben spends his time enjoying being a husband, dad, and messing around with anything that has a button on it. He was the author for "Asterisk Hacking" from Syngress, has spoken at various conferences, and has appeared on various media outlets discussing security and privacy. Ben strongly dislikes writing about himself in the third person.



Chris Lytle - Pre-digital crypto done digitally

I've done too many crypto puzzles at conferences, so I finally got smart and threw together a Ruby framework to handle pre-digital ciphers that modern crypto libraries do not include. I'll be talking about the framework, the ciphers it covers, future additions, and be releasing the code.


Chris ‘t0ph’ Lytle is a security researcher at Veracode. He holds a BS in Information Assurance and Security Engineering from DePaul University, where he was a frequent speaker. He spoke at BSides Las Vegas 2010 and BlackHat 2010 on the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Chris also coordinated the puzzles at SOURCE Boston 2011.



Ryan O'Boyle - The State of Ruby on Rails Security

The Ruby on Rails web framework provides developers with tools and implicit behaviors that enable rapid development of web applications. Recent versions of Rails have introduced features to help developers avoid common security flaws with minimal effort. Despite these protections, developers still bear the responsibility of making sure they are using the framework appropriately. As the recent GitHub hack demonstrated, this type of oversight is not limited to novice developers. This talk will include an overview of the various components of a modern Rails application and an examination of common security oversights.


Ryan is a security researcher at Veracode. Prior to joining Veracode he helped create the internal penetration testing team at a Boston-based global financial services company. Ryan's Irish heritage ensured his involvement in application security.



ohdae - Linux Post-Exploitation & Exfiltration Techniques

As a community we have all gotten really good at the actual penetration aspect of security testing. To some, the extent of their 'post-exploitation' is just simply gaining root or D.A. and calling it a day. What's important is what you do after you get root, what information you gather once you've gotten inside the system, what you do with that information and then how to leverage that data into furthering your hold on the target network. I'll talk about various post-exploitation techniques, key points and tasks that should always occur during P.E., and then a quick explanation of different methods for exfiltrating the gathered P.E. data off the remote host and back to you for analysis and review. The majority of this talk will focus on Linux techniques for P.E., but the data exfiltration methods can be applied to any OS. This will be a mainly slide-driven presentation with slides showcasing examples of the talked-about methods and techniques.


ohdae is a 25 year old IT security enthusiast. Involved in many open-source projects (see github), recently began contributing to the Metasploit Framework project; Python coder and amateur Rubyist. Professional background in IT services and support. Not much in the way of infosec credentials, certifications, etc, at the moment, more of just a hardcore infosec hobbyist. 



Schuyler Towne - Rab Sikkate: The Lock Masters of Mesopotamia

For more than 2 centuries, security historians have been taking the word of an 18th century French pornographer that the first mechanical locks were invented by the Egyptians 4000+ years ago. I very nearly repeated the same mistake, but then thought the better of it and started contacting archaeologists. I'd like to tell you what I found, and what understanding security in the context of history tells us about the clever minds, politics and culture of some of the worlds oldest civilizations.


Schuyler is obsessed with locks. He got his start as a competitive picker, winning the American Open and competing internationally as well. At an early point in his lock collecting he came across an old "Yale & Towne" padlock. This potential familial connection drove his interest further and he spent the next several years of his life trying to understand everything he could about locks. From how they work and why they fail, to the stories of who invented them and when and where they came into existence.



Will Vandevanter - S3 Dorking

This turbo talk will focus on misconfigurations in Amazon Simple Storage Service and utilizing Google dorks to identify target servers. We will also discuss abusing these weaknesses and finish off with some examples from the t00bs.


Will is make pen test with the Rapid7. 

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