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Page history last edited by Zach Lanier 12 years, 5 months ago
                            == MassHackers ==
                      { Special Event Announcement }

                       /  ::                  ::  \
                      /   ::   BeaCon v0.2a   ::   \
                     /    ::                  ::    \
                    /     ::  MiniConference  ::     \
               [*>  HERP  ::                  ::  DERP  <*]
                    \     ::    Boston, MA    ::     /
                     \    ::                  ::    /
                      \   ::  April 21, 2012  ::   /
                       \  ::                  ::  /


BeaCon is MassHackers' mini-mini-mini conference, aimed at showcasing presentations on

hacking and security-related topics. Succinctly, this includes but is not limited to: vulnerability research

and exploit dev, penetration testing, malware, and whatever else in the same vein that might tickle your

fancy (or ours).



Additional questions , comments, etc.: beacon [-at-] masshackers.org



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